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Artikel „Krünitz“ aus: The royal dictionary cyclopaedia for universal reference : being a complete literary, classical, historical, biographical, geographical, scientific, and technological expositor of the English language ; and embodying, in a condensed and common-sense form, the signification of all terms in ordinary use, with the derivation of each word, and its pronunciation. Compiled under the direction of Thomas Wright . Band 3 : H to M. – London : London Printing and Publ. Co., 1864, S. 427.

KRUNITZ, kru’-nitz, (John George) A physician and natural philosopher, was born in 1728 at Berlin, where he established himself and wrote many scientific works. Of these the most important is an “Economico-Technological Encyclopaedia,” which he began in 1773. He had finished 73 volumes, and had just arrived at the article, “Leiche,”, a corpse, when his further progress was stopped by death, in 1796. The work was continued after his decease.